Do Step Inn

History & Philosophy

Gerald & Alice Kern

Gerald KErn, Owner

How it all began

“I grew up in the eastern parts of Austria, in an area known as ‘the iron curtain’, a notional barrier separating the former Soviet bloc and the West prior to the decline of Communism. When I was little, I always wondered what it would be like if I could roam free when playing – if there wasn’t a barbed wire fence and I could just continue running. Then, in 1989 the Wall fell and it felt like a miracle. Suddenly, you could travel anywhere and everywhere you pleased. I was at university back then and started to let my small Viennese apartment to travelers from all over the world and the rest, as they say,  is history. I found my first hotel, the Do Step Inn Hotel and business has been growing ever since. Today, I own 2 hostels and 2 hotels in some of Vienna’s greatest locations.” 

Gerald Kern, owner of Do Step Inn

Go Green

RENOVATION& Carbon footprint

Do Step Inn Meidling, with its distinctive Wienerberg bricks, is a typical 19th century period building. To transform an old house into a modern and stylish hotel that meets the needs of present-day travelers, we invested a lot of time and love. Over a period of 10 years we renovated each level carefully and piece by piece created the perfect fusion of historic and modern.

This fusion also becomes evident in terms of climate protection and energy-efficiency. The entire hotel is heated by the latest underfloor heating.

Underfloor heating covers a greater surface area and can therefore run at lower temperatures. Additionally, we added solar panels to our south eastern roof and thereby contribute a significant amount of the required energy ourselves.